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Green Witch healing salve contains fresh and dried herbs, essential oils, beeswax and sweet almond oil.


A powerful wound healer, Green Witch assists by repairing tissues, keeping wounds clean from infection and also excellent for insect bites, chaffing and athlete's foot (if you can catch it in the early stages). May also assist with ezcema and psoriasis. In addition, it can be used as a chest rub to aid breathing and prevent chest infections. 


Green Witch Salve is made with oil infused with:


Kawakawa - aids the body in responding to inflammation - its soothing and helps with reduction of blemishes, rashes and skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis.


Rosemary - powerful antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. Supports immunity and fights infection.


Oregano - Supports respiratory and immune function. Powerful anti-fungal, promotes wound healing and reduces inflammation. 


Thyme - anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antiseptic properties, used to help heal cuts, bruises, and scrapes. Helps speed along the healing process, and reduce inflammation.


Sage - eliminates toxins, provides relief to skin abrasions, diminish the appearance of blemishes, sores, swelling and treat bacterial infections, calms skin conditions such as dermatitis and Athlete’s Foot. 


It has been further infused with generous quantities of essential oils of:

Blue Cypress - an outstanding capability for wound healing and alleviating bruises.  Highly anti-inflammatory and antibacterial plus has anti-allergenic properties that relieve itching, rashes, and dermatitis.


Eucalyptus - assists with respiration, nasal congestion, asthma and skin ulcers.


Marjoram - relief from the deposition of mucus and phlegm in the throat and sinuses, as well as congestion of the nasal tract, larynx, pharynx, bronchi, and lungs due to colds and viral infections, effective in chronic coughing. Relief from fungal Infections and  inhibits the growth of fungus and help cure infections caused by them. Promotes quick healing of wounds protecting from infections.


Verbena, Basil and Pennyroyal 


Green Witch Salve

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